

Exclusive Web Application for easy Communication to manage your Projects

Dafna is so glad to welcome you to the new world of communication between us. We’re happy to introduce BERIT to you, an Exclusive Web Application for easy Communication to manage your current and existing projects from hereon. 

BERIT will be useful for:

  • Creating estimates for activities
  • Creating, updating and reporting schedules
  • Tracking costs and budgets
  • Allocating resources
  • Recording and managing risks
  • Controlling project changes
  • Sharing project information and updates

Let’s look at the 5 Top Benefits of using BERIT by DAFNA

1. Planning

  • Useful to define the critical path of the project and visualizes the tasks that are interdependent
  • Outlines the project schedule and set milestone deadlines
  • Break down the completion of tasks and who is responsible for each task
  • Allocate staff and resources to complete the tasks

2. Manage Tasks

  • Help both to manage tasks and track them
  • To define each Task, assign, setting a deadline, and get an alert when it’s completed
  • To track the progress and deliverables
  • Will be robust for complex projects or simple for small projects

3. Collaborate

  • Easy to collaborate with Team Members, Senior Management, and Clients
  • To share and store project documents
  • To act as a hub hub where you can view all your project works, messages, discussions, comments, reports, and files that are relevant to the project in real time
  • This acts as a command center that you, Team Members, and authorized Participants can check so everyone is on the same page

4. Schedule Priorities

  • Can schedule/re-schedule a project when deviates from the original plan midway to execution because of an unforeseen event or adjustments
  • Has a basic calendaring feature
  • You can monitor which tasks are prerequisite to other tasks during planning and midway to the project, when changes can impact on the original plan
  • This App works on priority-based schedule that can be updated automatically during schedule adjustments
  • Berit includes the Team Members’ vacation time, availability, tasks, and priorities to predict the most efficient deadlines
  • The best things is, it brings discussions at task level (with the staff) or top level (with management or client) to speed up coordination

5. Manage Issues

  • Technical and complex projects will encounter issues like bugs, malfunctions, loopholes, glitches, or gaps that come up after a task or the project is completed
  • Through Bara/Berit, we can track bugs and identity the source of the problem and resolve the issue at the earliest possible time
  • Also archives long documents or discussions as reference to how the issue was resolved
  • Also tracks and store issues like open questions or comments that need to be addressed and what was done about them
  • And, Bara/Berit is ideal to avoid repeating an issue and create best practices

In simple terms,

  • BERIT is a Lifecycle Management System that focuses on software testing prior to launching as well as carries the support tool as Ticketing System.
  • Helps developers to manage tests, plans, requirements, tasks, and bugs in a shared environment to trace potential problems fast.
  • It breaks down a task into units called Iterations, the better to pinpoint the source.
  • Centralized documentation to archive previously shared files is the prime advantage with BERIT.

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